Elizabeth Ann

Elizabeth Ann

I had an entire blog post prepared to automatically publish this weekend. I canceled it. I needed to sit down and share the meaningful experience I had today. Although it was super personal, I was also able to tie it back to business as well. I hope you enjoy!

Guests Shouldn’t Guess

Guests Shouldn’t Guess

There are so many details to consider when planning a wedding! Those details should be communicated with guests!

Although many couples put up a wedding website with the basics (hotel room block, venue location, overall timeline),  there are some additional details you can share with your guests to help them have the best experience at your wedding!  

It's Not Your Fault, But It's Your Problem!

After my amazing vacation, I came home to a stack of mail. One item shared the most relatable phrase I’ve ever read:

It’s Not Your Fault, But It’s Your Problem!

These 8 words sum up the life of a Planner! Take a moment to check out my new post where I share some fond memories from past events!

Bump, Set, Spike!

Bump, Set, Spike!

Wedding planning and volleyball have a similar goal. Everyone involved is working together for a win!