Elizabeth Ann

Elizabeth Ann

I had an entire blog post prepared to automatically publish this weekend. I canceled it. I needed to sit down and share the meaningful experience I had today. Although it was super personal, I was also able to tie it back to business as well. I hope you enjoy!

I Just Wanna Be Successful

I Just Wanna Be Successful

The word success has had different definitions throughout my time as a business owner. I’ve felt some success with each and every triumph I’ve experienced. Now that I'm accomplishing my goals, I’m ready to put more focus on my overall vision of success.

Check out this post for a glimpse into my journey to success!

Q&A with a DJ

Q&A with a DJ

This month I wanted to connect with a wedding service provider to get some insight on their business!

I decided to sit down with my good friend Henry Potter! DJ Mr. Potter was born and raised in Virginia Beach and is now located in the DMV! He has over 12 years of experience providing DJ services at bars, clubs, weddings, private parties, and festivals!

Take a moment to learn why he got into the business, his favorite parts of the job, and lessons he’s learned along the way!



I don’t think a day goes by without me seeing “#Goals” on social media. Most of the time, you’ll see this hashtag under a picture of a cute couple, a really expensive car, or an exotic island someone is visiting! Since none of those things apply to me right now, I’m focusing on different goals that benefit my business!